I think they have ice skating on the first floor of La Tour Eiffel again this year. Supposed to be magical and all that. I've never done it, but before you ask—no, it's not on the top of my list.
There are a lot of things I've never done, some of which may surprise you. I've never ridden a bicycle, for example. I own a motorcycle, but never tried the pedal version. I've never been on the Bateaux Mouches, either, but I've stowed away on a barge or two in my younger years. I've been on a high-speed train, but never crossed the Chunnel. In fact, I've never been out of France.
Of all the things I've never done, my only regret is that I've never had a long-term relationship. My record is eight months. Henri has been married twelve years. It mystifies me.
Maybe I just think I need a life partner because it's the social norm. Most of the time, I'm happy on my own. C'est compliquée, l'amour. I'm not sure someone could deal with me—my moods, my schedule, my habits. My past. If I could find that person, I'd hang on tight.
That would lead to other things I've never done, like plan for the future; say "nous" instead of "moi;" ask for leave on Christmas. And maybe that person could push me to finally go to London, or even New York City. Sometimes you need to be dragged outside your comfort zone to understand you weren't as content in your small world as you thought.
Still, don't expect me to slap blades on my feet at sixty meters above the ground.