“You are completely in your own way,” my chief said to me today. I butt heads with the divisional commissioner, my boss’s boss. And yes, it’s as bad as it sounds—not a punishable offense or anything, I mean, I’m not on probation (yet)—it’s more a sort of career hari kari, which is probably worse, especially now I have those stupid evidence tampering charges hanging over my head. Yes, I know—je suis un idiot.
The thing is, the commissaire divisionnaire was wrong—calling me out in front of my team like he did. I’m sure it was just because I was not his choice for the job. If the team isn’t performing up to standard that is the fault of my predecessor, not me, and I told him so. C’est pas ma faute. Well, actually, what I said was that if he wants my team to be effective, he should get out of my way and let me do my job. I know, I know—I am an idiot. But am I supposed to stand there and let him humiliate me like that?
I guess I do feel bad about it, but only because my chief is disappointed with me now, and I really respect the man. We have a long history. He told me he spends too much energy defending me to his superiors, that I need to at least try to play the game. Play the game? Kiss ass is what he really means. How is that being a leader?
There is at least one person who was impressed by my little coup d’etat. Haddad. He was so pleased he kissed me hard on both cheeks. Then he said the words I’ve been wanting to hear: “I’m your man. All the way.”
What’s more important? To live honestly and earn the respect and devotion of your team, or to be the commissioner’s lap dog and leave no trace of having lived at all? Putain, that’s not even a question worth asking. I have my team at last. On y va !